
ARD Results

Model Parameters:

time_window = [600 3480]; % ideal time window 600-3000(min) == 10-50(hr)
sample = 12; % time points

noise = 0.1; % set noise to 10%
vbits = 300; % maximum it#,iterations

kkrange = [1:16]; % hidden state dimension
stdrange = [0.5:0.5:10]; % standard deviation range to produce ROC curve
murange = [.1 .5 1 2 4 8 12 16]; % magnitude of the mean of ARD prior

Target 1: Compare the AUC improvement of 1-arc,2-arc and 3-arc (10 seeds)
1-a) replicates = 1: kk_range = [1:16] / 16-in-1
1-b) replicates = 4: kk_range = [1:16] / 16-in-1
1-c) replicates = 8: kk_range = [1:16] / 16-in-1
1-d) reps = [1 ; 4; 8]: kk_range = [1:16]

Target 2: Capture Informative Interaction (arc) / k
Informative arc/k is defined if it helps priored-auc better than corrected-auc

2-a) Info Table: pdf / xls
2-b) replicates = 1: arc/k statistics in bar-chart or hit the common Informative arc / k
2-c) replicates = 4: arc/k statistics in bar-chart or hit the common Informative arc / k
2-d) replicates = 8: arc/k statistics in bar-chart or hit the common Informative arc / k

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