
Accumulative vs Non-Accumulative Priors

Accumulative: for n-th test, block[1:n] are added as prior. Z = 3

Non-Accumulative: for n-th test, only block[n] are added as prior. Z = 3

Download: (Average of 10 seeds)
1. Accumulative results: Z = 1.65, Z = 2.33, Z= 3

2. Non-Accumulative results: Z = 1.65, Z = 2.33, Z = 3
3.Sorted "top50 & reg" as blocks ( PDF / XLS), gray indicated no entry in vsn-normalization.xls

Data: Control network of vsn_normalization.xls
k = 6 (optimum);
seedrange = [1:10];
murange = [0 .1 .5 1 2 4 8 12 16 32 64 100];